Cats produce pheromones that send relaxing signals to humans in the form of an undetectable scent. Nevertheless, situations can always arise that are a source of greater stress for cats, such as moving house or other changes in the environment. Feliway® Optimum anti-stress diffuser was developed by a research team and contains an innovative combination of feline pheromone ingredients. It combines substances to improve the well-being of cats, which help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and make cats feel more comfortable.
- Change of environment - moving, redecorating, renovating
- Introduction of a new household member (human, cat, dog)
- Separation from a loved one or pet
- Urine marking and excessive scratching
- Excretion outside the litter box (if stress is the cause)
- Excessive grooming and vocalization
- Adaptive stress in kittens
- Aggression and anxiety
- A visit to the vet, groomer, at a show
- Utilizes natural communication mechanisms
- Its effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies
- Does not stupefy or put you to sleep
- It is safe (cannot be overdosed, does not interact with other drugs and preparations - you can safely combine them)
- It works only on cats, on you it does not
- Its administration does not require unnecessary stress on the cat
Plug the diffuser into an outlet - then it releases an innovative composition of pheromones, which can contribute to greater harmony between cats and a greater sense of security. The scent is perceptible only to cats, other animals in the house do not react to it. For humans, Feliway® Optimum anti-stress diffuser is odorless. The product's effects have been scientifically proven, which is why Feliway® Optimum is recommended by veterinarians and used to reduce stress-related symptoms such as urine marking, hiding, excessive scratching and washing. It can also help reduce tension and conflict between cats and help acclimate a new cat. Feliway® Optimum can also be used while in the veterinary clinic.